BMLogger - Bluetooth Datalog
Product Code: bt_datalog
Units in Stock: 30
BMLogger - Bluetooth Datalog Adapter
With this device, you can datalog your Honda/Acura OBD1 ECU within your favorite tuning software by connecting the BMLogger to the 4pin header present at the CN2 Port of the ECU.
This adapter use a Bluetooth Device to connect with your PC interface.
This Kit Contains:
1x BMLogger Bluetooth Adapter (USDM or JDM)
1x Bluetooth Device
**the bluetooth device are already programmed and ready to be used, set in slave mode**
This Adapter can be used to datalog wirelessly with BMTune, BMDatalogger, Tunerview and much mores!
This Adapter can replace your USB datalog adapter (Hulog, BMogger USB, FTDI, etc) if Bluetooth can be used for your application.
Default password is: 1234
Connecting the PC with the BT adapters:
you need to connect your laptop connected to the device first into the 'bluetooth parameters devices' before trying to connect with bmtune or any other software.
in your notification bar on the bottom right corner, you should see an icon for the bluetooth devices, clic on 'show up devices' then on 'add a bluetooth devices'. When pairing your adapter it will prompt for a password, the password by default is: 1234
After the adapter as been paired/added correctly with the laptop, you'll see a new COM port available 'virtually' for this device, you can then open bmtune and connect to the datalog, ensure that the option 'bluetooth datalog' is checked is the settings.
you need to connect your laptop connected to the device first into the 'bluetooth parameters devices' before trying to connect with bmtune or any other software.
in your notification bar on the bottom right corner, you should see an icon for the bluetooth devices, clic on 'show up devices' then on 'add a bluetooth devices'. When pairing your adapter it will prompt for a password, the password by default is: 1234
After the adapter as been paired/added correctly with the laptop, you'll see a new COM port available 'virtually' for this device, you can then open bmtune and connect to the datalog, ensure that the option 'bluetooth datalog' is checked is the settings.
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Units in Stock: 30
Product Code: bt_datalog
Brand: BMDevs
Product Condition: New
weight: 50.0g